How Your Dental Practice Can Benefit from Free PreViser Risk Assessment Technology


PreViser Corporation, the leader in digital oral health risk assessment technology, offers all Delta Dental member dentists unlimited free access to its state-of-the art, cloud-based technology for objectively assessing a patient’s risk for caries, periodontal disease and oral cancer.

The PreViser Oral Health Information Suite (OHIS)TM analyzes clinical information provided by the dentist or hygienist to generate scores that represent a patient’s current oral health status and risk for oral disease. The OHIS provides colorful, easy-to-understand patient reports that enhance patient engagement and improve compliance with self-care recommendations and case acceptance.

Research has shown that patient compliance with oral healthcare recommendations improves when patients understand their oral health status. OHIS scores also help dentists and patients track changes in oral health over time to show the benefit of adherence to treatment and homecare recommendations and to emphasize the value of care provided by the practice.

Unfortunately, insurance data suggest that claims for periodontal procedures fall short when compared to expected prevalence in most populations. This observation is supported by the fact that failure to diagnose periodontal disease remains a leading source of successful malpractice litigation. Despite strong evidence of effectiveness in preventing dental caries, sealants and fluoride varnish treatments are underutilized in both children and adults.

The few short minutes it takes to complete the OHIS risk assessment results in objective scores that help guide accurate diagnosis and management of oral disease. When evidence-based care is delivered based on objective risk assessment, patients receive better care and dentists have less exposure for medical legal liability.

OHIS is now being used by a growing number of dental insurance companies to provide evidence-based enhanced preventive benefits for patients at greater risk for oral disease to help improve dental and medical outcomes. The OHIS also provides an objective basis for determination of benefits for scaling and root planing, periodontal surgery, fluoride varnish and new CDT caries risk codes (D0601, 0602, 0603) and D4346, scaling in presence of generalized moderate or severe gingival inflammation.

All PreViser software is backed by peer-reviewed science, is fully HIPAA compliant and provides automated offsite backup and patient record retention. Each OHIS license allows a dental office to create a customized version of that includes access to a valuable patient self-assessment tool.

To learn more about PreViser, go to To get a free license code for the OHIS, contact the help desk at or 1-888-854-0007 and identify yourself as a member dentist of Delta Dental of South Carolina.

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