Check benefits, eligibility, claim status and more with the national dentist dashboard!


The national dentist dashboard has a fresh new look and is your one-stop shop for information including patient benefits, eligibility, claim status and more.

On the dashboard, you can:

  • Look up patient benefits and eligibility
  • Check claims status
  • Access national electronic remittance advice (ERA) for electronic payments
  • Find our claim address and look up the payer ID
  • Find other helpful resources, including Dental Office Deals, the PreViser Oral Health Information Suite (OHIS)TM and DentalXChange online credentialing and recredentialing system
  • Connect to your local plan, Delta Dental of South Carolina, dashboard

Direct access to the national dentist dashboard is just a few clicks away. Visit, click “For dentists” at the top of the screen. Then, click “Dentist dashboard” and log in.

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