Brush up on Delta Dental tools and processes and connect with colleagues at a provider workshop


We recently hosted a provider workshop at our new office building in Columbia, South Carolina.

At the workshop, we reviewed …

  • How to successfully submit a claim the first time and what documentation is needed
  • Benefit FaxBacks and explanation of benefits (EOB)
  • Information available in our newsletter ( and on our local ( and national ( websites
  • How to set up electronic funds transfer (EFT) and electronic remittance advice (ERA) through Red Card. Virtual credit card (VCC) is administered through Zelis.
  • Provider contracting and recredentialing

This is what your peers said about the workshop – Informative! Fun! Learned SO much! Can’t wait for the next one!!

Provider workshops are a great opportunity to brush up on Delta Dental tools and processes, ask questions and connect with colleagues. We will host another provider workshop in the Charleston area this fall. Be on the lookout for more workshops to come.

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